Sleep Apnea in Houston

How Loud Do You Snore?

  • Snoring occurs when soft tissues vibrate in your upper airway while you sleep

  • Snoring is more common in men, but women can snore too

  • Smoking and alcohol use can attribute to snoring and it’s also more common as weight increases or when you have trouble breathing through your nose

  • Snoring can be a sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) but can also occur on its own. Not all snorers have OSA

  • Snoring, sleep apnea and sleep deprivation are very common in the U.S.

  • Approximately 40% adult men and 24% adult women snore

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

  • OSA happens when soft tissue around the airway relaxes and collapses during sleep

  • When the airway muscles relax, they can then collapse and block the airway

  • OSA can cause you to stop breathing hundreds of times per night for anywhere from a few seconds to more than a minute. This can cause you to wake up many times without you even realizing it

  • Beyond fatigue, this constant sleep interruption can lead to many health problems. 

  • Some common health problems associated with OSA including diabetes, heart disease, cognitive issues, impaired immune system

Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT)

  • An oral appliance is a two- piece device worn in the mouth only during sleep. It fits like a mouth guard on both upper and lower teeth. 

  • OAT advances the lower jaw forward during sleep; hence, keep the airway open.

What is NightLase® Snoring and Apnea Treatment?

NightLase treatment results in a more open airway, thus lessening the effects of snoring and sleep apnea.

NightLase treatment results in a more open airway, thus lessening the effects of snoring and sleep apnea.

NightLase®   Treatment is   a patented, fast,  non-invasive and friendly  way of increasing the quality   of a patient's sleep. NightLase®  lessens the effects of sleep apnea   and decreases the amplitude of snoring  through the use of gentle, superficial   Er:YAG laser light. No anesthesia is used   in this treatment.

How does NightLase® Treatment work?

During    NightLase®    treatment laser   light heats the tissue,   causing tightening of the tissue  which leads to an attenuation of the sound of the patients snoring and a lessening of the effects of sleep apnea. The  procedure is performed in two simple steps.

Step 1: PRECONDITIONING - The   laser light preheats the   tissue.

Step 2: TISSUE STRENGTHENING - Laser light strengthens the tissue. 

A  full  course  of NightLase®  treatment is comprised  of three separate treatment  sessions over a six week period. The final result  of the treatment has been shown to last from six months to  a year.

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