Financial And Insurance Information

We make our services as affordable as possible so every patient can get the care they deserve.

Insurance Information

At Total Wellness Dental, we make every effort to ensure that you are informed of your financial responsibility.

We are not in network with any insurance because we want the freedom to give what we think is best for our patients. We want to make our clinical decisions based on YOUR BEST interests, not being dictated by the insurance’s rules and limitations.

You can still utilize your PPO benefits in our practice. As always, we will do our very best to inform you of your financial responsibility based on the information we receive from your insurance policy.

Financing with Care Credit

We also offer financing options through Care Credit.  Whether you use your healthcare credit card to cover your deductible, or to pay for treatments and procedures not covered by insurance*, CareCredit can help you get the treatment you need.  Contact our office to learn more and to apply.  *Subject to credit approval.
For more information about CareCredit, visit:

Financing with Prima HealthCredit

We also offer another financing option through Prima HealthCredit. More information can be found at